Summer 2020 Holiday Club

4th June 2020

Hope everyone is well I just wanted to take this opportunity to give everyone a quick update on the out of school clubs.

The Government yesterday updated " The Actions for Childcare Providers during the Coronavirus Outbreak" within this publication they have now stated that before and after school clubs not operating on a school site are not able to reopen, so sadly we will be unavailable to offer childcare until these restrictions are lifted.



It does look like we CAN provide a holiday club at our Millbrook site, in an adapted way for the summer holidays.

Our managers have worked hard to plan ahead for Summer taking into account Government and Public Health guidelines. We have risk assessed all the protective measures needed to be implemented to ensure the setting is safe for everyone.


Safety measures imposed will include-


* Smaller groups of children

* Social distancing of parents and carers during pick up and drop offs

* Adapted activities and equipment

* Outdoors a big feature in most activities

* Improved hygiene and cleaning routines

* Staggered lunch times


We will however be limiting numbers of children so bookings will be on a first come basis.


Our holiday booking forms are available on our website, these can be downloaded, completed and emailed to us.

Our holiday poster will be available very soon.


If we are unable to open, a refund will be given.


Keep a look out for our fantastic action packed Summer holiday activities coming soon.

For more information call us on 0161 250 5051

Take care and hope to See you all soon

